

In 2005, chef Ferran Adrià asserted that a set of tableware had changed the way he cooked. The then "Best Chef in the World" altered one of his creations for the design of a plate crafted by a Basque artisan. At POTT, we aim to provide you with a series of ceramic and porcelain pieces that not only inspire your kitchen but, even better, complement and elevate your culinary creations with a unique tableware collection.

POTT collaborates with some of the finest ceramicists to create utilitarian pieces for your dining room: thoughtful, carefully crafted, and exclusive. If the experience of your establishment is distinctive and special, perhaps it's the right moment to enhance the flavor of your dishes with ceramic objects that complement your kitchen.

Interior Design

No space is truly complete until that final piece arrives and breathes life into it. Often, that item that underscores the project, elevating its sensory capacity, is linked to clay, the materiality of the earth, the natural environment, and the craftsmanship of a potter. A vase, a plate, a serving dish, a cup... "I try to copy the wonderful sensations that nature produces, evoking something similar in the viewer," confessed the legendary decorator Pascua Ortega on one occasion.

At POTT, we want to complement your project with that piece that brings the interior designer's work full circle, offering custom creations and commissions. We guide you in selecting that piece of artisanal ceramic, making a space unique and irreplicable. We bring the history of that object, of that piece of clay art that completes the space, making it both approachable and contemporary.

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